Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Charles L. Blockson is a historian dedicated to Black history. He has published a massive collection of books and publications that has been donated to Temple University in 1984. Within this collection are accounts of African American history, narratives, and illustrations of such things like the underground railroads. Charles Blockson has worked to promote the preservation of landmarks central to African-American history. Blockson continues to lecture internationally and is considered one of the foremost experts on the Underground Railroad.

As a part of the B.I.T.S.(Building Information technology Skills) program with Temple University, we plan to take one piece of African American History and explore it from past to present, through its growth throughout the many changes in the world. With the help of the Charles Blockson collection, we will look into past EBONY magazines in see the changes from social, media, style, politics, as well as how African Americans see themselves now and compare them with the present.

To check out more information on Charles Blockson collection click on the following link below:;jsessionid=E3FDFAE0F981B10E9343EFB02FBDA1F8?bhcp=1

1 comment:

  1. I think that this blog for very creative and informational. This is a good blog and is has good facts that are discussed everyday from fashion all the way back recognizing what black people are good at.
